The sky for your twinkle little star

 Kiddies World is the perfect place to nurture children with Islamic values. We provide foundation courses on Coding Art &craft and Abacus, as well as practicing and memorizing selected surahs and adhkars.

Kiddies World, the best Islamic preschool for your child 

Kiddies World is the perfect virtual Islamic preschool to help nurture your children with the right Islamic values and knowledge - just like a traditional school, but from the comfort of your own home.

Bring Islamic values into your home

Practicing and memorizing selected surahs and adhkars

At Kiddies World Islamic Pre, we strive to give children the opportunity to practice and memorize selected surahs and adhkars - helping them become well-versed in the Qur’an by the time they start school.

A sky full of stars

Our highly experienced team of educators provides all the necessary guidance to help your children reach their maximum potential. With their expertise in both Islamic and modern education, they will ensure that your children grow up to be enlightened and knowledgeable individuals.

Coding made easy

Our coding foundation course helps kids learn basic coding skills in a fun and interactive way. With our program, children will be able to create their own simple websites and apps.

Art & Craft for creativity

Kids are encouraged to express themselves with art and craft. At Kiddies World, our art& craft courses teach kids to explore their creativity through drawing, painting and sculpting.

A safe learning environment

The convenience of our virtual school allows for a safe learning environment where children can access our lessons from anywhere in the world. We use the latest digital technologies such as video conferencing and chatrooms so that your little ones get the most out of our classes.

Fun and interactive learning

Our virtual preschool offers an interactive learning environment that will keep your little ones engaged and excited about learning. With weekly activities, quizzes, and special events, Kiddies World encourages kids to explore their natural curiosity in a safe space.

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Learn, Grow, Shine!

At Kiddies World, we provide an environment where your child can learn, grow and shine. With our comprehensive curriculum that includes coding, art & craft and abacus, your child will have the foundation to reach their full potential.

[1:01 am, 05/03/2023] MeeM Academia: Student Registration